We travel a lot along the New York State Thruway. My fiancee's family lives in Buffalo and we take many trips out to Western New York throughout the year. When I heard that the governor announced that they would be revamping and rebuilding the rest areas along the Thruway, I didn't really know what to expect until this past weekend. But something was clear, a man must have scheduled these upgrades.
Twitter user Miss Potkin started her experiment on March 15 of not cleaning her house. She was proving a point, keeping count of how long it took members of her family to clean or do anything themselves.
Being a parent is hard. You don't get much sleep. You're constantly on the go. One mom was so worn out she drove to school but forgot her kids at home.
Denise Brigham Baker is a mother of three boys. One of the three is already a United States Marine and the other is in the Army. She has one more boy approaching his last few days of basic training at Paris Island to become a Marine. She is asking the community for help to keep a tradition of hers alive and bright.
Really? Was it a slow news day? This shouldn't have been trending anywhere. Eva Mendes was only joking around when she said she has a no sweats rule in her house. She was only goofing when she said wearing sweatpants is the number one reason for divorce.