harry potter

J.K. Rowling Says Today Is Harry Potter’s Son’s First Day at Hogwarts
J.K. Rowling Says Today Is Harry Potter’s Son’s First Day at Hogwarts
J.K. Rowling Says Today Is Harry Potter’s Son’s First Day at Hogwarts
The final Harry Potter novel was full of grand battles and grander revelations, but it also featured a tiny detail that radically changed the saga’s timeline. Although J.K. Rowling’s first book in the beloved series was published in 1997 and the final book in 2007, a date on a gravestone revealed that the events of the final novel take place in 1997. That means that Harry Potter himself was born in 1980. Which means that he’s 35 in 2015. And according to Rowling herself, that makes today, September 1, 2015, the first day of school at Hogwarts for Harry’s eldest son.
Look Out For Flying Witches
Look Out For Flying Witches
Look Out For Flying Witches
Move over Harry Potter and your Quidditch buddies. Otto Dieffenbach just brought fantasy to reality with the creation of his latest versions of the Witch and Wizard Broom Flyers!
Richard Griffiths (Best Known As Uncle Vernon From Harry Potter) Is Dead At 65 Following Heart Surgery
Richard Griffiths (Best Known As Uncle Vernon From Harry Potter) Is Dead At 65 Following Heart Surgery
Richard Griffiths (Best Known As Uncle Vernon From Harry Potter) Is Dead At 65 Following Heart Surgery
Harry Potter had a devil of a time with his muggle Uncle Vernon but sadly he will no longer have to deal with him because the man who played him, Richard Griffiths died Thursday from complications after heart surgery. Regardless of if you had your nose in Harry Potter books or are a fan of the films, Richard's career was rather extensive past what he was lately famous for.
10 Real Life ‘Harry Potter’ Destinations You Can Visit
10 Real Life ‘Harry Potter’ Destinations You Can Visit
10 Real Life ‘Harry Potter’ Destinations You Can Visit
If you love 'Harry Potter,' you just might be happier than a Muggle with a new wand after you go through this list. What better way to indulge your Potter fantasies than by visiting some of the actual places made famous by the films? Check out these spots and start planning your Harry Potter adventure today!