
Lethal Illegal Guns Seized in Raid Targeting Upstate NY Gangs
Lethal Illegal Guns Seized in Raid Targeting Upstate NY Gangs
Lethal Illegal Guns Seized in Raid Targeting Upstate NY Gangs
A three-month long investigation into the illegal trafficking of firearms in Upstate New York has led to a large seizure of illegal weapons believed to be targeted for gangs in Upstate New York Cities. The bust comes one day after Utica suffered yet another homicide to youth gun activity, where a 16-year-old was gunned down and killed.
Wynn Hospital Reaches 35 COVID Patients, Masks Now Required
Wynn Hospital Reaches 35 COVID Patients, Masks Now Required
Wynn Hospital Reaches 35 COVID Patients, Masks Now Required
There are more COVID patients admitted at Wynn Hospital in Utica than there have been over the last several months. As a result and with the likelihood that numbers are open the rise, hospital officials announced on Wednesday that masks will be required as of Thursday morning at 7 for all guests entering the complex.

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