The forecast is calling for a slight warming trend in New York State next week and that is some great news as thousands have been dealing with a massive amount of snow and cold and power outages.
With all the terrifying stories of human trafficking and kidnapping, this mom is concerned that there are no ID requirements for minors to fly in New York.
We put our trust in companies every day but from time to time these companies let us down, some more often than others. Curious what companies topped the list and why? Read on and see if you agree...
Was Alec Baldwin striking a blow for the common air traveler when he refused to stop playing Words With Friends on his smart phone while his American Airline flight was awaiting takeoff? While his actions may seem justified to some, almost half of Americans think the cell phone rule should be honored.
Actor Alec Baldwin, who was kicked off an American Airlines flight Tuesday for playing games on his cell phone, slammed the airline in his "apology" to passengers on the flight. Baldwin used his disguised apology to tear into American Airlines and the entire airline industry...