Police Warning Parents To Check ALL Halloween Candy In Upstate NY
There are several reports of candy being with tampered with in Upstate New York.
After trick-or-treating in the Capital District, a child tries to eat some candy and finds a needle in their mouth instead. In Oswego County, there are reports of DOTS candy packages fill with rocks.
How can anyone tamper with candy? The Hoosick Falls Police Department is investigating a sewing needle found in a piece of Halloween candy found by a girl who attempted to eat it. According to the police department, the child received the candy while trick or treating with a parent, she then came home and bit into the Mounds candy bar when she noticed the needle.
We encourage all parents to check all candy of their children as well as anyone who was out before eating...Anyone having information on this incident is encouraged to call the Hoosick Falls Police Department at 518-496-7575. [Hoosick Falls Police Department]
In Oswego County an there's an urgent candy warning for parents to check all the trick-or-treaters candy. The Oswego County District Attorney is reporting that DOTS candy packages filled with rocks and resealed were handed out in Mexico.
Here's an excellent idea for parents, next year take your children trick-or-treating as you usually would, then when you get home, replace their sugary loot with candy you purchased yourself. That could settle your nerves and give you peace of mind.