Operation Sunshine Needs Your Help Reaching Fundraising Goal
Operation Sunshine - the community organization that sends children in need to summer camp is asking for your help reaching their fundraising goal for summer 2016.
The Observer-Dispatch's Dave Dudajek joined First News with Keeler in the Morning on WIBX950 Thursday and talked about how important summer camp can be to kids.
"You can see the camaraderie that kids establish, I mean it's amazing to watch kids bond in such a short period of time, Dudajek said. "Its a four day camping trip and they get together and by the end of four days they're all buddies."
Dudajek says Operation Sunshine is just under $4,000 from their goal of $65,000 for the year.
If you want to help send children in need to summer camp, there are several ways to donate:
You can visit OpSun.org and make a donation online, or clip the coupon found in the Observer-Dispatch and send your donation in the mail.
If you prefer to use a credit card, you can call Michelle Howgate at 315-792-5003 and donate over the phone.