Free Thing On Craigslist In CNY Should Probably Be Illegal
Free is free right? Well, in this situation I sat here scratching my head. And wondering if this is in fact illegal.
Okay, I get it.. Sometimes you just want to get rid of things so badly that you're willing to just let someone come and get it free of charge. I've given things away for zero pennies before just to get rid of them. The item I saw for free on Craigslist in Central New York today is the type of thing that should just be thrown away. At least in my opinion.
So, to start my free Craigslist journey I saw two free cinder blocks. Then I realized that was in New York City. Maybe someone was giving up the stealing rims business and didn't need two cinder blocks anymore. I realized that it was NYC and made the switch over to see what bizarre free items are up for grabs around here.
Then I saw it. Expired dog treats and an expired tick collar. I get why someone would want to get rid of these if they were unused. I mean, that's hard-earned cash spent and you at least want it to be used if it can be. But for me personally, I would never put an expired tick collar on my dog. I would be very worried that the tick collar was like one of the recalled ones. Or, I would worry my dog may get sick from expired treats. How long do they truly last after their expiration date? If this isn't illegal, it probably should be.
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