NY’s Biggest Tree Discovered In Schagticoke, How Big Is It?
In New York we pride ourselves on striving to be the best, the biggest and most badass at everything. We have the most successful Major League Baseball team of all-time in the New York Yankees. We have the World's biggest city, Manhattan. We even have the world's biggest kaleidoscope! Now we just might have another landmark to brag about.
With this find, New York may have outdone itself with the discovery of the 'new' biggest tree in the Empire State. Take a look at this 108 foot tree that has been growing in the Capital Region for decades.

The guys at Big Tree Hunters on Instagram found their way to Albany County New York and there it was a 'MEGA New York State Cottonwood! They estimate that this tree measures almost 34’ in circumference and still stands at 108’ tall after loosing it’s top to a storm.
108 feet tall? That's a 10 story building, 3 Fenway Park Green Monsters or 15 Shaquille O'Neal's tall! If you laid this tree on the Syracuse Orange basketball court you would need more room.
This Eastern Cottonwood is in somewhat of a secret location. The guys at Big Tree Hunters promised the owner they would not reveal the exact location. They did report that this giant is visible from a public road in Schaghticoke New York.
Not a California Redwood, an Eastern Cottonwood right here in New York State. Another crowning discovery and bragging rights for the Empire State.