New York Boy Bakes Dog Treats to Cover Adoption Fees
According to the ASPCA, approximately 6.5 million companion animals enter U.S. animal shelters nationwide every year. Of those, approximately 3.3 million are dogs and 3.2 million are cats. One New York boy decided he wanted to do his part to help lower these statistics by.....baking?
Logan Hovey of West Seneca isn't your average four year old. His hobbies include snuggling with his rescue dog, Harper, and baking with his mom.

He combined both his love of his pets and his love of baking into making dog treats, and now he's raising money by selling the treats for money to help cover the adoption fees for animals that are up for adoption where the family adopted Harper from.
“We got a recipe from our vet to see what we could give her as a treat,” said his mother, Eden Hovey, told WIVB. “And we started making these pumpkin and peanut butter biscuits.”
Logan and his mom have been busy making the biscuits. They've made and sold more than 65 dozen since last week and are still going strong, and have no plans of stopping anytime soon.
“As long as we have orders we’re going to keep baking,” said Eden.
Each dozen baked goes for about $10.00, and so far the baking endeavor has raised more than $650 for Buddy’s Second Chance Rescue in Buffalo.
You can help support Logan's newest endeavor by purchasing the dog treats for yourself! Head to this web page, and message them to place your order and for PayPal and Venmo information.
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