New Trend Could Expose You To Dangerous Bacteria
Studies say over 90% of adults pick their noses, and many people end up eating those boogers. GROSS
Most people pick their nose, but whatever you do, don't eat it! Boogers have a job, and that's to trap invading viruses and bacteria before they can enter your body, so eating your boogers will expose you to these pathogens.
Business Insider says boogers are mostly made of water, gel-like proteins that give it that gooey consistency and unique immune proteins that fight off germs. Those immune proteins are especially useful because boogers are teeming with harmful viruses, like influenza...Boogers serve as your body's front-line defense against invading microbes. When you breathe in, you're not just inhaling air. You're also taking in bacteria, viruses, and dirt, which get trapped by a layer of sticky snot that lines your nostrils. It's like fly paper for the flu. And as you continue to breathe, air hardens the mucus into a solid booger...
When that piece of snot hardens and is bugging you, blow your nose, don't pick it and eat it. By eating it, you're signing up for the flu, a cold, whatever!
Those who pick their nose but don't eat it are at risk for Staphylococcus aureus. Turns out just touching snot or scratching up the inside of your nose opens the door for a nasty bacteria that are now under your fingernails Business Insider says:
A 2006 study found that nose-pickers were more likely to have Staph in their nose than those who abstain. And that's a big problem since Staph can cause serious abscesses or pus-filled pockets inside your nose and on your face. Even worse, if you keep picking you could actually puncture your septum.
Will this stuff happen every time you pick? No, but why do it if you have to hide it from your friends and co-workers?
While writing this post, a co-worker showed me a story from The Telegraph saying parents should not discourage their children from picking their noses because they contain 'a rich reservoir of good bacteria.' It goes on to say:
Eating snot can also prevent bacteria from sticking to teeth, according to the article published in the journal of the American Society for Microbiology...Findings also suggest snot could defend against respiratory infections, stomach ulcers and even HIV. The researchers are even working on a synthetic mucus toothpaste and chewing gum to harness the dental benefits of bogies. [The Telegraph]
Good grief, who knew snot and boogers were such a hot topic? We sure didn't. Will you encourage your kids or grandkids to eat their boogers?