Kid Rock Senate Run Gets Nod of Support From Republican Super PAC
Will Kid Rock officially enter the race for Senate in Michigan? If he does decide to follow through, he's garnered some significant support. According to Politico, the Senate Leadership Fund has shared their interest in Rock's potential political run and expressed that they were hoping he would enter the race.
The Senate Leadership Fund is a super PAC formed during the 2016 election that came about with Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell's backing. The group's president, Steven Law, spoke with C-SPAN on Friday (Aug. 11) and weighed in on Rock's political interest.
"We'd be actually very interested in his candidacy," said Law. "I certainly wouldn't count him out." Law pointed to a recent RealClearPolitics poll that showed that Rock trailed incumbent Debbie Stabenow by eight points, adding, "It's not a bad place to start."
Whether he eventually declares or not, Rock has certainly generated some interest in the political process amongst his followers. A Kid Rock for Senate site has launched, along with merchandise touting the potential run and he's offered several campaign related statements sharing his political stances on social media. Rock also recently announced plans to launch a voter registration non-profit organization. This all came as the musician launched two new songs and videos for "Po-Dunk" and "Greatest Show on Earth."
Rock's campaign has caught the attention of several seasoned politicians. Former New York Governor George Pataki called Rock “exactly the kind of candidate the GOP needs right now,” while former presidential candidate Herman Cain had an opposite reaction, stating that he thought the campaign was “just a joke.” Senator Elizabeth Warren was also quoted in an interview as stating, “Well, maybe this is all a joke — but we all thought Donald Trump was joking when he rode down the escalator at Trump Tower and announced his campaign, too. And sure, maybe this is just a marketing gimmick for a new album or tour — but we all thought Donald Trump was just promoting his reality TV show, too.”
Law said during his C-SPAN interview that the view of Rock as an outsider because of his being an entertainer was something that was "superficial," and should not deter him from running. "The truth of the matter is that he's done a lot in his home state philanthropically. He's a pretty smart guy," said Law. "He thinks about policy and he's a shrewd businessman. If you're watching, Kid, we hope you run."
In non-political Kid Rock news, the singer returned to the concert stage on Friday night (Aug. 11) in his hometown of Detroit for the first time in nearly two years. Rock made a guest appearance during Foreigner's Detroit stop, joining in on their classic hit "Hot Blooded." Rock had previously invited Foreigner to open for him in 2015. Watch fan-shot video of the performance below.
Kid Rock Joins Foreigner for "Hot Blooded" in Detroit
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