Upstate City Is New York’s Drunkest For 2nd Straight Year
It is not exactly a ranking to be proud of! An Upstate New York city has the highest excessive alcohol consumption in the Empire State.
This dubious ranking of #1 drunkest city in the state went to Albany/Schenectady/Troy a few years ago, so I guess the good news here locally is the Capital Region stays out of the top spot again.
Nonetheless, regardless of the city or location 'binge' or excessive drinking remains a real issue.
For 2023 the data experts at 24/7 Tempo have compiled their list of the Drunkest States in America for 2023 based on each state's rate of excessive, or 'binge' drinking. 24/7 uses the CDC definition for binge drinking which says 5 or more alcoholic beverages for men or 4 or more for women in one sitting.
As a state, New York ranks #31 nationwide with an excessive drinking rate of 19%, which comes in below the national average. Wisconsin lands at #1 on the state rankings with an excessive drinking rate of 25.2%, far exceeding the national average of 19.8%.
Syracuse Is New York's Drunkest Metro Area
As part of these rankings, 24/7 Tempo also listed the metro area in each state with the highest excessive drinking rate. Syracuse tops the list here in New York, with a rate of "23.5%...adult residents drinking excessively" according to 24/7 Tempo. Syracuse also ranked #1 in New York in 2022.
New York State's 10 Drunkest Counties
Gallery Credit: Matty Jeff
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