New 2022 Hess Truck is Here & It’s Outstanding!
The holidays can officially start as one of the most popular toys every year is now available.
I'm not sure if it's because of how old I am (50), or what, but every year when the folks at Hess release the current year's truck I automatically go back to my younger years and get super excited for the holidays.
2021 Hess Truck Wasn't a Truck at All
This time last year I can remember being surprised that the 2021 Truck wasn't a truck, instead, Hess went with a Cargo Plane toy. At first, I was a little disappointed but when I finally got my hands on one it was a different story. Last years toy was two toys in one as the cargo plane came complete with a ton of working lights and a surprise inside! Once you opened the plane, inside was a really cool fighter jet, also complete with lights and retractable wings. I felt like it was two gifts in one!!!
2022 Hess Truck
This year Hess has one-upped themselves, as the 2022 Hess truck is 3 toys in one! The 2022 Flatbed Truck with Hot Rods is "an action-packed, 3-in-1 retro-design racing team, with 42 total lights and 4 realistic sounds!" according to the Hess truck website. If the design of the truck looks familiar it's because the designers took inspiration from the original first Hess truck that was driven by company founder Leon Hess back in 1933.
The 2022 version of the Hess truck has already won numerous awards including, the Oppenheim Toy Portfolio’s Platinum Best Toy Award and Toy Insider’s Top Holiday Toy Award. The 2022 truck is available online ONLY and if you are like many families and give the truck every year as a gift you can order online here.
This year the truck will run you $41.99 plus tax, which includes 9 batteries and FREE shipping!
Here is what last years "truck" looked like...