Not many people would enjoy sharing a relaxing day by the lake with a bunch of snakes. But if that's totally your jam, here's the five lakes around New York where you're most likely to run into them.

Now that spring is around the corner, snakes will begin to emerge after bedding down during the cold, winter months. These creatures will be hungry and will soon start feasting on rodents and other small creatures they can get their mouths on.

A particular creature snakes like to snack upon are frogs, and several species have made amphibians a main part of their diet. Because of this, there are some snake species you are more likely to find around lakes and ponds.

The Most-Common Snakes Found in Lakes in New York

Rs9191 from Getty Images
Rs9191 from Getty Images

New York is home to 17 impressive species of snakes and all of them play an important role in maintaining the ecosystem. Snakes are a very important predator in the animal kingdom, as they can hunt prey in places where larger animals like foxes and hawks cannot.

While a fear of snakes is common in people, the chances of a snake going out of its way to attack someone are virtually non-existent. A snake will only fight back if it feels like its a last resort because they feel cornered or threatened.

Chances are snakes want to stay away from humans as much as humans want to stay away from them.

The black rat snake is one of those species that'd rather slither away from loud humans at the lake. Despite being New York's longest snake that can reach up to 8-feet in length, these shiny-looking snakes, which are non-venomous, would stay out of sight and pick on someone a lot smaller than their size.

Eastern ribbon snakes and garter snakes, which are a related species, are also typically found around the water and would rather spend their time hunting prey and staying out of sight from humans.

Unsurprisingly, the common watersnake can also be found in various lakes around New York. These nonvenomous snakes are sometimes confused with the cottonmouth, which is venomous but is not indigenous to New York. The common watersnake is harmless to humans and they actually depend on mistaken identity to stay out of danger.

New York is home to some venomous snakes, like the  Eastern massasauga that is a rattlesnake species found farther upstate, and the timber rattlesnake. While both have a toxic bite, they rarely strike without giving plenty of warning by shaking their tail and making a racket.  They'll likely leave you alone if you leave them alone.

The final venomous snake that can be found near water is the copperhead. They depend on their coloring to remain hidden in dead leaves or brush. While they are classified as ambush predators and strike when prey is within distance, they don't view humans as food. As with rattlesnakes, if you keep your distance from them, they'll also leave you alone.

New York's Most Snake-Infested Lakes

boy splashes in the lake

World Atlas looked into the bodies of water where New Yorkers will most likely find these creatures and one lake is located right here in Central New York.

The state's fifth-most snake-infested lake is Echo Lake in the Catskill Mountains. The area has a large trout population, which is a type of fish that make an excellent food supply to hungry snakes.

Lake Champlain comes in as New York's fourth-most snake-infested lake. This area is more likely to be the home to timber rattlers, so keep those eyes tuned for that signature warning sound. Common rattlesnakes are also well-established in the area.

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Lake Erie ranks third overall in terms of number of snakes and has its very own snake, the Lake Erie Water Snake. It's estimated about 12,000 of these snakes call Lake Eerie their home and you can find them along the western shore.

The second-most snake-infested lake is Oneida Lake, which is a popular spot to find northern water snakes. Visitors have also reported sightings of the venomous Eastern Massasauga rattlesnake, so keep that in mind when you set up camp or go hiking in the area.

Fishing on the lake at sunset. Fishing background.

Coming in as New York's most snake-infested lake is Canopus Lake in Kent. World Atlas says it is manmade lake that has become a snake hotspot because it is so well stocked with fish. The good thing is, you're more likely to run into the non venomous black rat snake or common watersnake.

What lake is your favorite place to frequent in the summer? More importantly, now that you have an idea of how many snakes there could be in the water, is that really going to change your plans?

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