5 Really Cool ‘Things’ Invented in New York (for beginners)
If you're a native New Yorker, maybe you already know this. But since I am not a native New Yorker (although I did spend a few of my formative toddler years in Buffalo), allow me to indulge you and me and anyone else new to NY with some really cool things that were invented in New York. In no particular order.
1. Cowboys
Yes, yes. Cowboys. And no, no. not the Texas football team (gah) and more no's still because cowboys didn't actually start with 'The wild, wild west." They started with The American Revolution and New York. You don't even have to take my word for it. This article has all the gunslinging details.
2. Toilet Paper
First of all, toilet paper was invented in China. The original "modern" toilet paper was made for an emperor and each sheet was perfumed. But "medicated paper"-- that's totally a New York invention, according to toiletpaperhistory.net.
3. Club Sandwich
Your double (or triple) decker, turkey blt sammy has a 'gambling house' called Saratoga Club-House in upstate Saratoga Springs, New York to thank. Maybe. Some other sources say your fave 'wich' was invented at the Union Club of NYC. Either way, it was still invented in NY.
4. Potato Chips
And what goes best with your fave sammy than your fave salty snack? Also (definitely) invented in Saratoga Springs, NY by renowned African American chef who worked at Moon’s Lake House during the mid-1800s.
5. Jell-O
Is this a good thing? Who knows. But Le Roy, New York and an inventor named Pearle is responsible.