Here's a first responder doing everything he can to serve his community, all while following in his father's footsteps.

Credit - Newport Fire Co. #4
Credit - Newport Fire Co. #4

Meet Eric Jones

It's always incredible to hear the stories of different firefighters across the state and what being a first responder means to them. Especially when they have family who served before them.

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Eric is the Lieutenant of the Newport Fire Company, a position he's worked his way up to since he joined back when he was 16. He's the first one to arrive and the last to leave, always making sure everything is running right and back in service.

Credit - Newport Fire Co. #4
Credit - Newport Fire Co. #4

Who nominated Eric? That would be his father and Assistant Fire Chief, Dave Jones. He says not only did his son spend all his time growing up at the station, but he learned everything he could while he was there.

I couldn't be more proud to watch him come through the service and carry on the family name.

Thank you, Eric for everything you do. Your commitment to the community is not only an inspiration to everyone around you, but it has made your family prouder than ever.

Credit - Newport Fire Co. #4
Credit - Newport Fire Co. #4

Nominate a First Responder

Do you know a first responder that deserves to be recognized? Tell us about someone who should be honored in Central New York - a firefighter, police officer, EMT, forest ranger, paramedic, DEC officer, military, rescuer, front-line worker, or any other person first on the scene.

Include their name, a picture, and why they should be recognized during 'First Responder Friday." We'll honor one first responder every Friday and as a way to say thank you, we'll give them a Bundt cake from Nothing Bundt Cakes.

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