Ilion Boy Donates Bait Company’s Money to Help Woman Sew Masks
Blake owns Blake's Baits in Ilion. Earlier this week, he pulled together his money and donated it to Lori Dreizler-Smith, who has been sewing masks for at-risk people in their community.
Dreizler-Smith posted about the boy's kindness and generosity on her Facebook page after her daughter found the money in an envelope in their mailbox. Blake had donated a wad of $1 bills, and inside the envelope, there was also a handwritten note from Blake, where he said he wanted to donate some of the money he had made from Blake's Baits to help her sew more masks.
"I got so choked up that a young boy would even think of this, let alone donate all that money to help people he doesn’t even know!" Dreizler-Smith wrote.
So far, Blake's money has helped Lori make masks for a number of people in central New York, including the elderly, a child who was just released from the hospital, and a family directly affected by the coronavirus.

Blake's Baits sells worms and can be found in multiple stores in central New York.
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