Huge Response to Morrisville Dairy Drive, Second Weekend Added
Last weekend, SUNY Morrisville held a drive-through dairy drive and the response was overwhelming. More than 450 cars holding 230 people drove through, gathering up hundreds of gallons of milk and a ton of string cheese.... Literally, a ton. This weekend, the drive-through is back, with more dairy for community members in need.
People can stop by and pick up free dairy products Friday, April 17 from 4 to 6 p.m. or until everything is gone. The drive-through will be on Hart Road this weekend, just up the road from the SUNY Morrisville Dairy Complex, to better accommodate the influx in traffic and to ease pickup during the event. Patrons will stay in their cars the whole time and receive a pre-packaged bag of dairy items, which, this week, include pasteurized milk, cottage cheese and sour cream.

"We wanted to do something to help those in the community during these difficult times,” Ashley Adams Marshall, SUNY Morrisville's assistant professor of dairy science, said. “Not only does this help those in need in our community, but it also helps the struggling dairy industry since the demand on dairy products has dropped dramatically due to the COVID-19 pandemic.”
Many farmers across the country and in central New York have been forced to dump unused milk during the coronavirus pandemic, so the dairy drive allows their hard work and product to go to good use.
While the food is completely free, monetary donations and donations of dairy products are accepted. Contact Ashley Marshall at adamsae@morrisville.edu.
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