Give Your Favorite CNY Essential Worker a Free Snickers Bar
Two words: free Snickers. Mars is giving a free candy bar to essential workers - and you can decide who gets one.
Essential workers are keeping Central New York up and running during the pandemic. From the cashiers at the grocery stores, the nurses and doctors, to the delivery drivers and stockers - you all deserve our thanks, and as a small, chocolaty token of our gratitude - we can send you a Snickers.
It's pretty simple, you just go to their special webpage:, fill out their form, confirm your cell phone number - and the recipient will get a text with a link to code to redeem for a full-size Snickers at Walmart.
We tried it - it worked!
As an added bonus, for every Snickers sent, Mars will make a donation to Operation Gratitude.
Mars hasn't said how long this will be going on, so we suggest you send your Snickers
ASAP. Essential workers deserve our thanks. And candy. (And a raise, but that's a whole other thing.)