Are Gas Prices Going Down In The Utica, Rome, Syracuse Areas Of New York?
Each week since the start of 2021, Utica, Rome, and Syracuse New York drivers have seen an increase in gas prices. Is that trend coming to an end finally?
According to AAA, the average price for a gallon of regular gas in the Utica, Rome, and Syracuse areas stands at $2.86. That's down a penny from last week but is still 12 cents more than this time one month ago. AAA says the average price for a gallon of regular gas in the state is sitting at $2.90, while nationally it's $2.86.
If you drive a vehicle that requires premium fuel, you're looking at an average cost of $3.52. That's a decrease of only about three cents from last week and actually up 16 cents from this time last month. Diesel vehicle drivers can expect an average cost of about $3.13 per gallon. That's down one cent from last week and up thirteen cents in the last month.

It does seem like each day you drive by a gas station lately, you see it increasing further. In some cases, you may drive by a gas station in the morning and see it increase in price that same day. While the prices may seem higher today, we are nowhere near our record high average prices. AAA reports that in the Utica-Rome area, the highest average price for regular gas was $4.23 per gallon on June 21st, 2008. The highest average diesel price per gallon was $5.07 per gallon on June 19th, 2008. Let's hope we never see prices that high again.
You can always track the lowest gas prices around with Gas Buddy.
Take A Look Inside The Abandoned ShoppingTown Mall In Dewitt, NY
Proposers will need to have a demonstrated history of producing "high quality projects," according to the statement. They will also need to produce financial information related to the project."According to CNY Central, proposals are due by 4PM on April 27th. You can find them online here. Jordan Harmon was able to tour the property and take plenty of photos recently with permission from Onondaga County:
The main purpose of this shoot was to document this historical structure before any alterations occur. I grew up with this mall, I can remember coming here as a kid. This was the place my family did our back to school shopping and the place where I’d blow my allowance at Fun Junction playing laser tag. To see it now is shocking to say the least. The former owner of the mall clearly made no effort to maintain it, let alone stop the hundreds of leaks in the roof.
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