If you're looking for something fun for the kids to do as the summer begins to winds down there's a lot to choose from as we approach Labor Day.

The Herkimer County Fair kicked off on Tuesday and continues through Sunday (Aug. 13-18). The fair opens daily at 9:00 or 9:30 each morning, depending on the day. Some of the things you might want to check out are the Farmyard Olympics, the Demolition Derby, Kiddie Firematics and the Children's Rodeo. And there's much more. For the full schedule of events, click here.

Also this weekend, the St. Paul's Church Summer Fun Festival in Whitesboro gets underway (Aug. 16-18). It runs Friday night from 6:00-10:00 p.m., Saturday from Noon to 10:00 p.m. and Sunday from Noon to 6:30 p.m. This event features several children's rides and activities. Fish fry's are available Friday night.

The New York State Woodsmen's Field Days is also this Thursday through Sunday (Aug. 15-18) at the Boonville Oneida County Fairgrounds. There is a TON of stuff going on here: Chainsaw wood carving that will blow your mind, Lumberjack and Lumberjill contests, Tug of War and Greased Pole competitions, a beard contest, all you can eat breakfasts on Saturday and Sunday along with auctions and demonstrations of logging equipment. Check out their full schedule of events here: Woodsmensfielddays.com 

Next week, (Thursday Aug. 22 through Saturday Aug 24) check out the Our Lady of Lourdes Bazaar in Utica. It runs from 4:00 to 11:00 p.m. on Thursday and Friday, and from 1:00 to 10:30 p.m. on Saturday. It features rides and games for kids, food (including a Friday night fish fry) and LIVE entertainment - including the band Showtime, performing from 8:00 to 10:30 p.m. on Friday night.

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