‘Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over’ 4th of July Campaign Underway In CNY
Governor Andrew M. Cuomo announced that the New York State Police and local law enforcement agencies are increasing patrols to crack down on drunk and drugged driving this weekend.
New York State Police and local law enforcement agencies will be highly visible watching for drunk and drugged driving and other traffic infractions during the 4th of July holiday, beginning Friday, July 3 through Sunday, July 5. State Troopers will conduct sobriety checkpoints and target reckless and aggressive driving statewide to keep New York highways safe during one of the busiest summer holidays for travel.
Last year, the State Police issued nearly 13,410 vehicle and traffic tickets during the 4th of July weekend. Troopers arrested 249 people for DWI and investigated 187 crashes, which resulted in two fatalities.
All drivers can expect several sobriety checkpoints and DWI patrols. Law enforcement will also be looking for motorists who are using their phones and other electronic devices while behind the wheel. Drivers should also remember to "move over" for stopped emergency and hazard vehicles on the side of the road when they travel New York roadways.
Troopers will be using both marked State Police vehicles and Concealed Identity Traffic Enforcement (CITE) vehicles as part of the operation. The CITE vehicles allow Troopers to identify motorists who are using handheld devices while driving more easily. These vehicles blend in with every day traffic but are unmistakable as emergency vehicles once the emergency lighting is activated.
The average drinking and driving arrest costs up to $10,000. Arrested drunk and drugged drivers face the loss of their driver's license, higher insurance rates, and dozens of unanticipated expenses from attorney fees, fines and court costs, car towing and repairs, and lost time at work.

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