Dog Thrown Out Of Moving Car In Upstate NY Has Leg Amputated
Allegedly two dogs were thrown from the rear, passenger side window of a dark-blue Dodge Durango on Interstate 81 while traveling at a high rate of speed, Wednesday, December 12th.
The Broome County Humane Society is caring for two Beagle dogs that were reportedly thrown from a vehicle on Interstate 81 southbound. NYS Police say a tractor-trailer driver from Syracuse told troopers that he saw the dogs thrown from a dark-colored SUV that he was behind at around 9:30 a.m. Wednesday. The driver stopped on the left side of the road to rescue the dogs and contact authorities. He then used his sweatshirt comfort the severely injured dog until NYS Police arrived.
The severely injured dog has been named "Trooper' while the other beagle has been named Adam after the truck driver who most likely saved their lives. Adam is believed to be five years old, and only sustained road rash from the horrific event.
According to the humane society, Trooper has numerous injuries including two fractured legs, broken ribs, a lung contusion and is currently at Colonial Animal Hospital in Ithaca. After X-rays and seeing an orthopedic specialist he had surgery in an attempt to keep both legs, but due to the extent of his injuries, only one could be saved.
Broome County Humane Society Director, Karen Matson tells WBNG TV:
“This is not at all acceptable, Trooper is in dire straits right now and it’s unnecessary, and none of us like to see it, it’s the sad reality of this business, but we’re doing the best we can with the help from the community to try to get him the care that he needs...What’s very endearing about this is that the gentleman who saved him on the highway is very interested in making his home the forever home for these dogs.”
NYS Troopers tells WBNG that Adam, the truck driver, has a dashboard camera in his tractor-trailer. Authorities say they are waiting for that video to get back to them to track down the person responsible.
If you know any information about these dogs or the circumstance, contact New York State Police. If you’d like to help with the pricey medical expenses for these and other dogs in the shelter, follow the links below! The Staff Works Save a Life Campaign matches your donations up to $10,000 and can help to expand the impact of your kindness. Simply access the link below and select The Broome County Humane Society. They are also accepting donations via our website and at our facility at 167 Conklin Ave, Binghamton, NY.
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