CNY Wing Wars Cancelled But Gift Card Fundraiser Still On
The annual CNY Wing Wars fundraising event scheduled for January 30th to benefit the Joseph Michael Chubbuck Foundation has been cancelled due to COVID-19. However, you can still help their mission by participating in "Giving A Gift Card."
This is sad news as it's the biggest fundraising event for the Joseph Michael Chubbuck Foundation, but they're hoping to reschedule in the Fall. You can still help the Foundation by "Giving a Gift Card” this holiday at www.thejmcf.org.
The donated gift cards are tax-deductible and will directly help cancer patients in Oneida, Herkimer, Madison, and Onondaga counties.
Requested Gift Cards:
- Sunoco
- Speedway
- Fast Trac
- Citgo
- Stewarts
- Circle K
- Tops
- Hannaford
- Price Chopper
- Aldi
- Walmart
- Rite Aid
- Walgreens
- Kenney Drugs
You can purchase cards by following the links on their website or buy them in person and mail to JMCF PO Box 4917 Rome, NY 13440. Cash donations are also accepted.
Barb Chubbuck tells us the foundation has recently received a $3,000 grant from the Jim and Juli Boeheim Foundation to support its Patient Assistance Program and free Nutritional Education and Support Outreach Program at MVHS.
The CNY Wing Wars on January 25, 2020, was a sell-out and raised $8,664 ($2000 more than last year). The Joseph Michael Chubbuck Foundation, now five years old, has helped over 650 cancer patients, with approximately $187,000. They have also redistributed used medical equipment or donated new equipment to individuals or treatment centers in CNY worth approx $42,375 making a grand total just shy of $230,000.
The Joseph Michael Chubbuck Foundation EIN 46-3739937 is a 501c3 (tax-exempt) charity in Central NY that provides financial assistance to cancer patients of all ages so monthly expenses can be paid (rent, utility bills, groceries, childcare, treatment travel expenses, & needed medical equipment & supplies). The Foundation is listed on the American Cancer Society’s website, and the ACS refers many patients for assistance. The Foundation service area includes Oneida, Herkimer, Madison, & Onondaga Counties.
**Cash Donations & Purchased Gift Cards are Tax Deductible**

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