Birthday Train Drives Through CNY Wishing Kid’s a Happy Birthday
Students and staff at Waterville schools aren't letting the coronavirus stop them from celebrating birthdays. Teachers, coaches and classmates created a birthday train to travel the neighborhood and sing happy birthday.
The birthday train made a stop at Leah Baker's house Sunday. Students & staff hung out of cars, decorated with balloons and streamers, holding banners, and sang her Happy Birthday. "It was one of the most rewarding things to see,” said Heidi Griffith, whose granddaughter Paige is Leah's best friend.
Leah's house wasn't the only stop. The birthday train drove by Sam Jones and Jace Eisenhut's houses too.
The idea was a group effort. "We were talking about it for one kid and then we learned of a couple more so we did a train to visit all 3 houses," says Jamie Leigh Evans.
The kids loved every minute of it. Not just the one's having a birthday, but the ones in the birthday train too.
More birthday surprises are planned for kids in the Waterville area. "We're meeting at the library for another student."
Welcome to the new norm as we all work together to stop the spread of COVID-19 - drive by birthdays.
If you see or hear of any feel good stories, please share by emailing We could sure use more of it in this world, especially now.