Bed Bath & Beyond Radioactive Recall
Before you reach for your next tissue you may want to check the tissue holder for radioactive contamination! Bed Bath & Beyond is recalling Dual Ridge Metal boutique tissue holders for possible radiation contamination. The retailer said the holders were sold in 200 of their 1,000 stores in the U.S and Canada as well as on their website. So how dangerous are the tissue holders?
New York Health Commissioner Dr. Nirav R. Shah told The (White Plains, N.Y.) Journal News the tissue holders were contaminated with Cobalt-60, which is used to treat cancer patients. Shah said exposure to one of the boxes for an hour would be the equivalent of a chest X-ray. - UPI.com
According to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission scrap metal containing Cobalt-60 could have been added during the smelting process in making the tissue holders.