Are Childless New York DINKs a Threat To Society?
Ok let's just get it out of the way.
What is a DINK?

The DINK lifestyle is the Dual Income No Kids lifestyle.
It is a lifestyle that affords a great deal of freedom of life choices and financial decisions.
Many New Yorkers are choosing a life that they feel is more affordable and fulfilling than that of raising kids. They are bragging about it on social media and showing off the fun they are having in their life choice. So of course, there are many articles surfacing about the downsides of said lifestyle.
Searching for blogs or articles about the positives of the DINK lifestyle will lead you to negatives articles. They will attempt to pull at your heartstrings and ask if you are truly fulfilled without having children in your life. Denying yourself parenthood is just a sad way to live isn't it? Maybe that is something to ponder as you explore parts of the world others only dream of as they are cleaning dirty diapers and begging for a moment's peace.
So, when that doesn't work, they try to go to the fear angle. Freedom is the antithesis of fear so let's see if maybe we can't be corralled back into the debt mindset. Make no mistake, kids cost a lot of money and that is a great way to keep the workforce staffed and to keep people in their exact position in life. But the question is, who will take care of you as you age if you do not have kids? I asked a member of the DINK community to speak on this -
If your chief concern with having children is having future senior care, then I posit that maybe you shouldn't have children at all.
Indeed, this seems to be a selfish attitude to bring a child into this world and burden them with the responsibility of caring for you.
Beyond the heartstring approach, the arguments against the DINK lifestyle are flimsy at best. People are waking up the wanting experiences out of their existence rather than just perpetuating the species. We are capable of being more than breeders for the next round of employees to be exploited. Those of us who have felt the sting are making sure not to bring kids into a world that is so uneven and backwards in so many ways that we can't navigate it successfully. Should we pass on the sentence of life to someone who would do an even worse job than us?
Nah, let's party instead. Keep an eye on our social media so you can see all the fun we are having in our "unfulfilled" lives. The tears go down easier on the beach.
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