AC/DC Share Behind-the-Scenes Footage From ‘Rock the Blues Away’ Video
AC/DC offer fans a glimpse of what goes into the making of a music video with this brief compilation of behind-the-scenes footage from their new clip for "Rock the Blues Away."
Singer Brian Johnson shares his enthusiasm for the song in the opening moments of the video, which you can watch above. "It didn't come to us immediately," he admits. "It's just — I started singing it after I listened to the album. It just kept popping up in me head, and it's a brilliant track. I like the sentiment: 'You've gotta rock the blues away.'"
Director David Mallet adds that his goal was to offer viewers "a totally different feel to AC/DC," and he says he went about that in a few ways — including filming the band in a "really small, funky, scuzzy club," as well as inviting in a crowd of Los Angeles-based fans who "look totally different" from the crowds usually glimpsed in the videos the band films in Europe. Finally, Mallet says he wanted to give the audience a taste of the work that has to be done before the lights go up — "rehearsals, still sessions, etc., etc., for the upcoming tour."
The video goes on to do just that, sprinkling in bits of the band goofing around between shots of the crew setting up and the audience arriving for the video. Check out the complete video above, complete with testimonials from some of the fans on hand for the shoot, and then watch the "Rock the Blues Away" video.
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