5 Swearing Facts That You Probably Didn’t Know
Even the most squeaky clean of us have let colorful speech fly in moments of low self-control like when we stub our toe on the coffee table or when someone cuts us off, and others swear like it's their native language no matter the topic. Here's some random facts about cursing that you probably didn't know...
The average person swears often
About 0.7% of the words we use on a daily basis are swear words. That's on par with common words like 'we' and 'our'. So, considering that the average adult speaks 16,000 words a day, that amounts to over a thousand swear words a day!
Kids learn to swear from parents
You think you're being discreet and that they picked up their cursing habits from their friends at school, but not so. While your kid was a toddler they inadvertently heard you let it fly and even if it was once, it stuck in their little sponge minds. They may've even sounded cute and you laughed when they tried out the word on you. Then.
Some common curses are OLD
Of course humans knew how to curse since Adam and Eve bit the apple and realized what it really meant, but even the words we use today were just as popular as far as a more than thousand years ago! The Anglo-saxons favored Sh*t and also like today, the word was considered just as impolite. The Ancient Romans laid the groundwork for the modern-day f-bomb using sexual slurs like 'pathicus' which meant well, the passive partner, an insult in those days.
Swearing dulls pain onset
Like the aforementioned coffee table stub, but you HAVE to use the real term, substitute words were found to not be as affective at making your appendage throb less as their more potent counterparts! It dulls the pain and our hot emotions at the same time so is much better than bottling up your exclamations inside.
Swearing signals intelligence
Besides the fact that swearing is great for insults because those words push people's hot-buttons much more than other words, it is also a powerful fitting-in device and helps bond co-workers and other like-minded people together whether their collars are white or blue and in fact, it's been proven that the whiter the collar the worse the mouth believe it or not!