5 of the Absolute Worst Drink Pairings for CNY’s Regional Dishes
And now for something completely disgusting!
Central New Yorkers are really passionate about their regional dishes. Popping over to social media to ask "What restaurant has the best chicken riggies?" will usually result in dozens of people frothing with rage over their opinions on who makes the best.
In most cases, you can't really go wrong with what you choose to drink with these dishes... except you can. There are a few food & drink pairings that are SO incredibly offensive, it's almost vomit-inducing just to think about it.
...and that's where I come in!
I was willing to sit down and really think... what are the absolute WORST drink pairings for CNY's favorite regional dishes?
You have to be a real sociopath to enjoy Clamato to begin with, but it seems EXTRA repulsive to pair the tomato & clam juice "beverage" with a sweet baked good. If you ever see someone consuming these together, call the police.
Chicken riggies are already an incredibly rich dish, with generous amounts of cream used in the recipe. You really want a gut-buster that all-but-ensures a minimum of 45 minutes on the toilet? Pair it with Stewart's "Shenanigan Shake," a mint-flavored milkshake. Both delicious on their own, but together? Holy crap, no.
I'm not sure if absinthe goes well with anything, honestly. It has such a strange flavor, a bit like black licorice. Add that to starchy, salty potatoes, and... I don't even know what will happen. Nothing good, that's for sure.
You take tomato pie, which is basically cold, poofy pizza (don't come at me) and add a beverage that tastes like sweet, boozy hazelnuts... I can't imagine two more conflicting flavors than this. Only a lunatic would try it.
What kind of trauma would ever make someone consider orange juice with this savory Utica dish? You wanna take the gross factor up to eleven? Make the O.J. extra pulpy.
And, there you have it! The absolute WORST drink pairings for Central New York's favorite regional dishes! Sorry to spoil your supper.
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