5 Central New York Foods President Trump Should Try During His Visit
If you haven't heard, we have President Donald Trump coming to Utica. If the President had a chance to enjoy local food, what would you recommend to the Commander in Chief?
1) Turkey Joints
Mr. President, we don't smoke these joints....we eat them. While Airforce One is in Rome, make sure to pick up a jar of the local Rome favorite treats.
2) Dinosaur BBQ Sauce
Mr. President, ditch the ketchup on your steak. Use Central New York's best meat sauce, the Dinosaur!
3) Saranac Black Cherry Soda
Mr. President, ditch the diet drinks while in Upstate and try the greast nectar of the gods: Saranac Black Cherry Soda. I know you don't drink the beer, but maybe grab a case for Don Jr.
4) Halfmoons
Mr. President, you just launched the SpaceForce. Launch into a HalfMoon to celebrate your victory in space. You lived in the Big Apple, your white and black cookies don't compare!
5) The "What"
Mr. President, don't skip breakfast. Stop by the Riverside Diner in Marcy and fill up on the "WHAT," it's worth it. The meal is hugggggge.
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