10 Point Buck Attacks Man In Troy
Are the deer fighting back?
A Troy man was viciously attacked by a 10 point-deer on Tuesday, September 26, 2017, in his own backyard. It's not uncommon to see deer in that area and the victims neighbor, Richard Belschwinder, never thought he would save a man from a buck attack. Belschwinder tells NEWS10 "...I could hear somebody screaming. It was a ten-point deer. It had some guy in the corner. You could hear the fence; that’s how hard he hit him.”
The victim tried using a couch cushion to protect himself as the deer kept attacking, ramming him and lifting him off the ground with his 10 point-rack. When Belschwinder saw his chance, he grabbed the victim and got him to safety in his truck.
There's no word on the condition of the victim but NEWS10 reports the deer is still on the lose. The news story below shows actual pictures of the angry deer.
We were curious if the rut was underway to spark the attack but according to Wired To Hunt, the second full moon after the autumn equinox is believed to trigger the peak in rutting activity. Names for the November Full Moon are the Beaver Moon, Hunters Moon, Rutting Moon and Frost Moon and will take place on November 4th, 2017. Wired To Hunt predicts major “seeking” behavior should pick up around October 31st and continue through the 3rd when major “chasing” should begin. This peak in visible rutting activity will continue through the 10th when the “tending” phase will begin kicking into gear and continue through the 17th.
Bonus Video:
[Information from NEWS10 and Wired To Hunt]
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