‘WomenHuntFishNY’ Photo Contest For New York DEC
New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) has announced a statewide photo contest called "WomenHuntFishNY," to celebrate women hunters in NYS.
"Women are the fastest growing segment of adult hunters, and DEC is excited to provide a forum to share their experiences with others interested in hunting and outdoor recreation in New York State. Hunting is a proud tradition in New York, and we hope this new contest will inspire the next generation of hunters and conservationists to take up the sport and grow the hunting economy in the state," says Commissioner Basil Seggos
Women who hunt in NYS should send their photos via the DEC social media Dropbox at socialmedia@dec.ny.gov. DEC welcomes pictures of all aspects of safe and ethical hunting, including:
- Preparing to go afield
- The act of hunting
- After the hunt
- With family members
- The deadline for contest entries is Dec. 31, 2018. However, DEC encourages hunters to share and send photos to the agency any time of year.
Winning entries will be featured in next year's New York State Hunting and Trapping Regulations Guide, and may appear in a future issue of the Conservationist magazine, social media posts, the DEC website, and other outreach.
Good Luck!