Why Did the Chicken Plow the Road? Watch it Happen in West Winfield
Chickens are social, inquisitive, intelligent birds, and many find their behavior entertaining. This one is definitely entertaining as it takes the phrase 'snow bird' to a whole new level.
Tim Powers got a little help plowing out his driveway in West Winfield after Winter Storm Izzy dumped several inches of snow in Central New York. One of the family's chickens from the Poplar Hedge Farm and Creamery spent 30 minutes pitching in. "The chicken stayed on the bucket the entire time," said Cindy Powers.
You have to watch it to believe it. The bucket moved up and down, back and forth. But the chicken never moved.
There are more chickens in the world than any other bird. Many raise them for meat or eggs but keeping them as pets started to become more popular in the 2000s. Chickens not only provide companionship, but they also have individual personalities.
While many chickens do not cuddle much, they will eat from your hand, jump onto your lap, respond to and follow your orders, most of the time, as well as show affection, in their own way. And they apparently ride on a tractor for 30 minutes while you plow snow too.
If only we could get the kids to be as helpful.