ByeBye Conversation Hearts For Valentine’s Day 2019
Unbeknownst to us, the company responsible for Circus Peanuts, Neco Wafers, Dum Dum lollipops and those iconic Sweetheart message candies quietly went out of business this past summer. Because the factory has been closed for the last half-year, you'll have to find another way to disclose your admiration or express your undying love to your Valentine this year.
However, there IS some good news in all of this as the company plans to reopen and hopes to have new batches out for us to send to those we admire next year. Says their charman and CEO:
"We look forward to announcing the Sweethearts relaunch for the 2020 Valentine season."
They've been around since the Civil War and although they bit the dust, you might get lucky to find some on Ebay or lying around elsewhwere but keep in mind that those are all from batches mad prior to the factory closing. The company says that the candies are good for a year. Read more at