Utica National Insurance Kids Run Goes Virtual
The Utica National Insurance Kids Run, which was scheduled to take place this Saturday, has been transformed to a virtual event due to concerns over COVID-19.
This follows the news that the 2020 Boilermaker 15K and 5K races are also moving forward as virtual events.
Utica National officials say the difficult decision was made in conjunction with medical officials with the safety of runners, volunteers, staff and the community in mind.
“While we’re sad to not be able to see all of the kids’ smiling faces in person, we’re happy to be able to continue the tradition of the Utica National Kids Run virtually this year,” said Utica National Chief Executive Officer, Richard Creedon. “The Kids Run, along with the Boilermaker 15K and the Utica National 5K, serve as a major summer tradition that bring the community together, and we’re happy that we will still be able to do that this year in a very unique way.”
Registration is free and is open to kids ages four to 12.
- All registered participants will run either a ¼ mile, ½ mile, or a mile, depending on their age.
- The kids will run their race at their discretion (time and location) between September 1, 2020 and September 13, 2020.
You can find more information on the Kids Runs at uticanational.com.
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