USPS Seeking Santa Helpers To Answer Kids Letters
Now that we are officially into December, the big guy himself is very busy preparing for his yearly trip around the world. He's making his list, checking it twice, making sure the reindeer are ready to go and that the elves have all the toys ready to bring to boys and girls. The last thing Santa has time for is answering letters, but that's where the USPS comes in.
Each year, hundreds of thousands of letters sent to Santa from children and families arrive at Post Offices around the country. Most letters ask for toys and games. Some ask for basic necessities. Some ask for help for themselves and their loved ones.
"Operation Santa" makes it possible for individuals and organizations to adopt these letters and send responses and thoughtful gifts in Santa’s place.
The United States Postal Service has been called on by Santa and is looking for "Santa Helpers" to assist with answering letters. For the first time ever, "Operation Santa" is going nationwide so all the kids can get letters back on behalf of the big guy.

How To Take Part in "Operation Santa"
Starting this Friday, December 4th, you'll be able to log online to the USPS website to
"adopt" a child's letter and send gifts.
There is a verification process to ensure that all letter writers are kept safe and to confirm the identity of who is sending the gifts.
Once approved, volunteers can "adopt" as many letters as they want (so long as they are fulfilled) and will have a chance to respond to a child's letter, as well as send gifts to them or families.
All of the details about "Operation Santa" can be found here.
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