Unique Tribute to Local Veterans to Fly Over Utica
Time is running out for those who'd like to honor a loved one who's served in the U.S. military with a new tribute that will be displayed over the Memorial Parkway in Utica this summer. In fact, they'll be hung over the parkway in Utica from Memorial Day through Veterans Day each of the next three years.
The Utica Hometown Heroes program will honor approximately 200 Utica-area veterans on a 30-by-60 inch banner that will include an enlarged photo of your servicemember.
Mishael McKenna with the Utica Hometown Heroes Program says there are fewer than 50 slots are available. And, she hopes they'll be able to display a veteran from each major conflict America has been involved, dating back to the Civil War.
"To qualify for this program, the individual being honored must have served in one of the United States Armed Forces. First priority will be given to Veterans from Utica ( Born, Raised, or Resided), then veterans from outside the Greater Utica area will be considered," according to the Utica Hometown Heroes website.
The banners will include the red, white and blue stars and stripes across the top and read: 'Utica Honors Our Hometown Heroes', with the veteran's photo displayed below. The Utica Hometown Heroes Committee is made up of members of the Oneida Chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution, The Military Order of the Purple Heart CNY Chapter 490, and Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter 944. It is also being supported by Mayor Palmieri's Office, and the Utica Common Council, McKenna said.
The cost to honor a Utica-area veteran breaks down to $110 for the banner itself, plus $65 for the hardware to display them. Submission forms are available here.
The deadline to apply is this Friday, April 8.
For more information, visit UticaHometownHeroes.com
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