TV Show Penn and Teller: Fool Us Features Utica/Rome Illusionist Leon Etienne
On Monday, October 26, Central New York's favorite illusionist will be on national TV with a brand-new act that will blow your mind.
Leon Etienne will be back on one of the #1 TV Shows in the country for a nice 8-10 minute segment. This is my second time on Penn &Teller: Fool Us! says Etienne, "You may remember I did FOOL them the first time I was on the show a few years ago."
TV Series Finale describes Penn and Teller: Fool Us as a CW magic competition series hosted by Alyson Hannigan:
Penn & Teller: Fool Us showcases talented magicians performing their acts for comedic illusionists Penn Jillette and Teller. Those who manage to fool the pair win the opportunity to perform in Penn and Teller’s Las Vegas act. [TV Series Finale]
Etienne states, “It is an all-new episode, and I created a brand-new illusion just for this show. No one has ever seen me perform this, so I can’t wait for people to see it. Tune in!”
Etienne told us he filmed his portion of the show two days before Las Vegas shut down due to COVID-19.
It was a wild ride. Rumors were flying all over Vegas about the town shutting down. No one thought it would happen. It did. I’m grateful we were able to film this episode safely before everything was shut down. I’m so excited for everyone to see this routine. I created it specifically for Penn & Teller. No one has ever seen me perform this before.”
Hailed by critics as “America’s Rock Illusionist,” Etienne is recognized for his on-stage charisma, a fast-paced, high energy, rock n’ roll edge performance style, and his no-nonsense approach to magic. Leon’s original creations, a passion for sleight-of-hand magic, and the best jaw-dropping grand illusions in the world explode on stage in his critically acclaimed hit show, “Magic Rocks!”
During the COIVD-19 pandemic, when the world needs magic more than ever, Etienne has returned to his roots and performs safe, socially-distanced shows in Central and Western NY communities. While promoting one of those events, he unknowingly wowed executive producers and directors from the movie The Binge and was asked on the spot to be in the movie that was starring Vince Vaughn.
Etienne was a finalist on NBC's America's Got Talent in 2014. Since then, he has sold out venues worldwide, including hometown favorites like the Stanley. He has fooled Penn & Teller on the CW's "Penn & Teller: Fool Us," he used his wizarding skills on the SYFY Channel's "Wizard Wars," wowed Jimmy Fallon and millions of viewers on "Late Nite," and performed illusions in the movie "The Binge."

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