This Pasta Sauce Could Be Easier Than Opening A Jar
If I were to mention to anyone in upstate New York, especially Utica, that I would even consider using a jar of spaghetti sauce, I would get a serious death stare. So I don't tell anyone that I do it.
But doesn't making your own sauce entail a lot of tomato smashing, straining, chopping, simmering, tasting, etc? Well, not necessarily. In case you hadn't noticed, most grocery stores carry several different types of canned tomato. Ok, maybe not as fresh as homemade, but by gosh, it is a lot better than pouring it out of a jar.
So, a friend of mine was nice enough to pass this recipe to me. Oh it's legit, she is Italian. The recipe is not a big secret, which is why I am passing it on here. Take a look at the recipe. So far I have used it for spaghetti, and baked ziti. Enjoy.
6 cans tomato puree
Fresh basil – 1 heaping tablespoon
Parsley – 1 heaping tablespoon
Oregano – to taste
1 can tomato paste –stir to blend
2 large cloves of garlic
Oil drippings from meat Italian sausage –sweet or hot or chicken, or pork
Simmer 2 hours, add water if too thick
What I typically do is use 1 quart freezer bags and pop in the freezer. That way I can always take out just what I need and I can keep a pretty good supply on hand. Nice. Hey, don't overcook the pasta!