This Nichols Inn Is Trying For Title Of Most Haunted Hotel In The USA
AMITYPHOTOS/Fainting Goat Island Inn
Have you heard about the Fainting Goat Island Inn in Nichols, New York? It's considered one of the most haunted hotels in the USA. I first heard about the Goat in 2019 when it finished second behind Mizpah Hotel in Nevada in the USA Today Readers Choice Awards.

Because of their high finish, they were featured on the Travel Channels series "Hotel Paranormal" There was no contest in 2020 because of the pandemic but they returned for a strong third place finish in 2021.
They were behind the Marshall House in Savannah, Georgia and Union Station Hotel in Nashville, Tennessee. My daughter, Tara has always been fascinated by the paranormal (her YouTube channel is "Paranormal Girl"), so for her 16th birthday, we stayed at the Fainting Goat Island Inn.
Fainting Goat Island Inn's Most Haunted Room
We stayed in the Alpine Room because it's considered the most haunted room at the inn. Almost immediately things started happening including a door shut tight, found slightly open a half hour later.
We also heard that a boy lives under the bed and has a little red car under there to play with. We could see the car on the far side of the bed and we couldn't reach it without lifting up the bed.
A little while later, Tara's friend thought that she heard the car move. We looked and it was definitely closer than before. I think that the boy wanted us to play but I wasn't going to crawl in to find out.
Did The Doll Move At The Fainting Goat Island Inn
Marnie and Bill are the caretakers (ah ah ah) at the Fainting Goat and they told us that they have several active dolls in the house including one on the staircase. We did some haunted explorations at the Goat and I took a picture of the doll on the staircase at 3:30 a.m.
The next morning, I went to the staircase and something looked a little different to me. One of her hands moved and she was looking up the hallway. Here are the two pictures so that you can judge for yourself.
Vote For The Fainting Goat Island Inn As Most Haunted Hotel In The USA
We loved it and we can't wait to go back. Here's some more good news, The Fainting Goat Island Inn has been nominated again by USA Today for the Readers Choice Award as the Most Haunted Hotel.
Go here to vote and help them go all the way to the top spot and make them the Goat (Greatest Of All Time).You can vote once a day, so don't forget to do your part...and vote for The Fainting Goat Inn.
Here are some of the highlights from our first visit to the Fainting Goat Island Inn
Fainting Goat Island Inn
The Fainting Goat is just one of many haunted places in New York State. Here are some of the other haunted places that you can check out.