Multiple outlets have launched individual standalone options to match that of industry leader Netflix, though Amazon has consistently lagged behind for its streaming service’s tether to an overall Prime rate of $99 per year. No longer, as Amazon Prime launches a far more competitive monthly streaming subscription on par with Netflix, as well as a new Prime rate for shopping.
Yesterday, photos of Bruce Willis filming director Woody Allen’s latest (and currently untitled) movie surfaced online and the everything seemed fine. Just another late-era Allen production that inexplicably features a killer line-up of movie stars! Move along, nothing to see here! However, something seems to have gone horribly wrong between yesterday and today because Willis has abruptly dropped out of the film. That’s the news. What follows is gossip, albeit interesting gossip.
Amazon gained some serious credibility in the TV department in recent months, particularly with Sunday’s dual Golden Globe wins for ‘Transparent’ and star Jeffrey Tambor, but the retail conglomerate’s studio branch has its biggest match point yet. Woody Allen himself will write and direct his first TV series for Amazon, already ordered for a full season. I mean, it is Woody Allen.