Everything You Need to Know About the 'What The Sigma' TrendEverything You Need to Know About the 'What The Sigma' TrendHere is the meaning behind the "what the sigma" phrase that is growing in popularity. Rob CarrollRob Carroll
Decoding Out of State Slang For New YorkersDecoding Out of State Slang For New YorkersIf you heard someone say 'I got pulled over by a statie on my way to the packie' - would you know what they meant?ValVal
How Well Do Central New York Parents Understand What Kids Are Saying?How Well Do Central New York Parents Understand What Kids Are Saying?If you're a local parent and have no idea what "bussin'" means, you're in the minority.MeganMegan
17 Upstate New York Words and Phrases That Leave the Rest of the Country Scratching Its Head [GALLERY]17 Upstate New York Words and Phrases That Leave the Rest of the Country Scratching Its Head [GALLERY]It's true. Upstate New York has a language all its own and these are just some of our favorite words and phrases.Traci TaylorTraci Taylor
Trendy Words and Phrases Central New Yorkers Say Must Go in 2020Trendy Words and Phrases Central New Yorkers Say Must Go in 2020Gucci, lit, and cray were some of the most offensive.Dave CoombsDave Coombs
20 Slang Terms From the 1920s That Guys Should Start Using Again20 Slang Terms From the 1920s That Guys Should Start Using AgainThe Oxford American Dictionaries announced its "Word of the Year" yesterday, and it's about as dumb as you'd imagine.The Midnight WriterThe Midnight Writer