CNY Doctor Charged with Multiple Felonies for Prescription FraudCNY Doctor Charged with Multiple Felonies for Prescription FraudA former resident doctor faces serious felony charges for using a colleague's identity to illegally order prescriptions for herself.MeganMegan
Latest Tool To Fight Drug Crisis Gets 'Trashed' In One CNY CountyLatest Tool To Fight Drug Crisis Gets 'Trashed' In One CNY CountyThe latest tool to keep prescription meds from getting into the wrong hands is being tossed in the garage.Jeff MonaskiJeff Monaski
This Saturday in Utica: Clear Some Space, With Piece of MindThis Saturday in Utica: Clear Some Space, With Piece of MindYou'll be able to clear some space from your home this weekend, and do so while knowing the documents, medications, or electronics you're saying goodbye-to are being properly disposed of. Jeff MonaskiJeff Monaski