If you're a fan of locally harvested maple syrup, a mild winter may decrease the supply and leave you with no fresh maple syrup for your pancakes and waffles.
Looking for a way to spruce up your breakfast? Here's a simple recipe for mac and cheese pancakes. Think about it, who doesn’t love mac and cheese, and who doesn't love pancakes? It's not as gross as it sounds, we promise.
Breakfast just isn't breakfast on the weekends without Aunt Jemima pancakes in our household. Maybe it's the same way for your home too. However, in the household of alleged descendants of the women who reportedly inspired the faces of the Aunt Jemima, I'm guessing they aren't enjoying these pancakes anymore.
Move over Mickey Mouse pancakes, want an Olaf one from Frozen? Or A skull, or even the face of your favorite Beatle (the musicians AND bugs)? No morning shape request is too gourmet for this dad because he can make just about anything under the range.