The World's Largest Yard Sale is back for 2024 and will be bigger and better than ever before in Central New York. It's all happening on Saturday June 8th
Mighty John the Record Guy is the foremost authority on vinyl records in America and he went romantic on Valentine's Day with records that have the word "love" in the title, that are worth $100 or more.
The weather is getting warmer, summer is on its way, which means yard sales and garage sales will be popping up all over Central New York. Here's some ways to stretch that dollar even further...
1. Bundle Items
If you stop at a garage sale and see quite a few items you wouldn't make taking with you, you might as well try to get a deal on all those items...
Shop till you drop at an indoor garage sale fundraiser, Saturday, July 18th from 9 AM – 3 PM inside the Kiwanis Building at the Boonville Fair Grounds.
If being stuck at home for months has given you the urge to declutter, you'll have to sell your stuff online, because in-person garage sales are still not allowed in Central New York.