He really did it... Dennis Rodman pranced on up to the Sistine Chapel and knocked on the door and was hoping to get in, but alas the Cardinals were busy selecting the Pope! Rodman is continuing his 15 minutes of fame again for another stupid reason: his flower print jacket, as if trying to get an audience with the Pope before he was actually chosen wasn't weird enough!
Dennis Rodman has returned from his bizarre trip to North Korea with an even more bizzare request for President Obama. In an interview with George Stephanopoulos, Rodman called North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un a "great guy" who just wants President Obama to pick up the phone. What would the pair talk about? Shooting some B-Ball outside of the school of course.
While we never pegged Dennis Rodman — and his penchant for eye shadow and high heals — as NBA coaching material, this new career choice for the NBA legend sounds about right.
New York Yankee Derek Jeter is closing in on getting his 3,000th hit. When he gets it, he'll be the first Yankee in the 3,000-hit club, and only the 28th player in history to achieve the milestone. He's a Yankee, so he gets a ton of publicity. Many people (not yours truly) wonder if he's over-rated.