christmas movies

2024's All-time Top-10 Christmas Movies and Television Specials
2024's All-time Top-10 Christmas Movies and Television Specials
2024's All-time Top-10 Christmas Movies and Television Specials
The holiday season is upon us, and nothing captures the festive spirit quite like timeless Christmas movies, and TV specials. These beloved traditions have become a cherished part of our celebrations, uniting families and friends in the warmth and joy of the season. Here, we dive into America’s all-time top Christmas movies, and TV specials, based on their enduring popularity airplay, sales and impact.
Your Favorite Scrooge? [VIDEO]
Your Favorite Scrooge? [VIDEO]
Your Favorite Scrooge? [VIDEO]
Who is your favorite Scrooge? (No, not asking about your boss). Who is your favorite actor who played Ebenezer Scrooge from "A Christmas Carol" by Charles Dickens. There have been dozens of movie and TV versions of the classic story, and take a look at my family's favorite.
Christmas Movie Schedule
Christmas Movie Schedule
Christmas Movie Schedule
The 2012 Christmas season is finally here. You're getting your house all decorated, and getting your tree all put up. Are you looking for the perfect Christmas special or movie to watch? Here's the 2012 Christmas Special And Movie Schedule for our favorite Christmas Specials.