Is it worth paying the rental fee of a few dollars to see the movie made in Utica with Chevy Chase called The Christmas Letter? Well, it's not winning an Oscar - but it is worth it.
There's a Christmas movie that has many similarities to the holiday classic, Christmas Vacation, that's being filmed in Utica currently. Now, a 3rd popular actor from that 1989 National Lampoon Film has joined the current cast.
When it comes to Christmas movies, Chevy Chase is a legend. And his magic touch will be a part of a new holiday movie that will film in Upstate New York next month.
Chevy Chase has done it all in his career. Before all of that, however, Chase was a film student at Bard College, playing drums with the members of Steely Dan.
It is an all-time Christmas classic that features one of the great comedic actors of all time, and you can see both at the Palace Theatre this December.