Syracuse Bakery Featured Nationally on PBS Documentary [Video]
Have you ever been to the Columbus Baking Company in Syracuse? If you haven't you can see what they're all about in a new PBS special airing tonight, August 25th. It's called 'A Few Good Bakeries' and it will be shown at 8 p.m.
Columbus is located at 502 Pearl Street and has been in business since 1895! According to,
The takeaway from the segment on Columbus is its simplicity -- different from some of the other profiled bakeries that do cakes, cupcakes, cookies and ever wilder creations. Columbus makes only bread, and uses a simple dough of water, flour, salt and yeast. The film crew shows the old dough troughs and other antique elements of the shop, including the ovens that Retzos says create the even heat that makes the bread what it is.
After the program airs, you can see it anytime on The documentary was produced courtesy of WQED in Pittsburgh. You can see the Syracuse bakery's segment starts things off at the 2:14 mark in the documentary below.